Thursday, 29 January 2015

#65 Cassiopeia Summary 3: Objects From Other Catalogues

There are nearly 60 clusters from other catalogues!  Lots to challenge the viewer here besides NGC and IC objects.  I have also included 3 great double *s.

oc Be 01:  5'.  15 stars at 150x.  Pendant on a necklace!  Pendant is the cluster.
oc Be 02:  2'. Brightest * mag. 15.  Very very small, very very faint.  4 stars at 250x.  Noticed at 100x.
oc Be 04:  4'. Brightest * mag. 18(?).  15 faint stars around a bright one.
oc Be 05:  5'.  Brightest * mag. 17.  A few mag. 12 *s overlay a very faint, irregular unresolved background haze.  Viewed at 100x-150x.
oc Be 06:  5'. Brightest * mag. 14.  Very tight, very small group of 8-10 *s, resolving at 200x and 250x.
oc Be 07:  4'. Brightest * mag. 14.  Resolves well at 125x, and includes several bright *s.  Nicely resolved at 200x.  About 20 *s.

oc Be 58:  8'.  Vis. mag. 9.7.  3rd member of group with 7788 and 7790.  25 stars along a zigzag line.
oc Be 60:  4'. Barely noticed at 60x  250x shows small circle, about 6 very very faint stars.
oc Be 61:  3'. Brightest * mag. 14.  Small, hazy patch at 60x.  Resolves at 125x upward, but very few stars. 
oc Be 62:  6'.  Brightest * mag. 13.  A dozen faint stars involved with a 5-star asterism.  Use high power.
oc Be 63:  3'. Brightest * mag. 15.  A faint haze was suspected and noted at 60x.  100x confirms the sighting, with averted vision.  125x-200x resolves 7 or 8 *s, best with averted vision.
oc Be 64:  2'.  brightest * mag. 14.  Sparse and faint.  Resolves at 250x.  2 *s at mag. 14, with others very faint.  2 close sections resolving, though very few *s.  Seen in a moderately light-polluted sky.
oc Be 65:  5'.  Observed at 125x and 150x, 12-15 *s were resolved just north of a somewhat brighter group that has a dipper shape.

oc Be 102:  5'. 8 stars in faint cloud N of triple star.  Also a double *.
oc Be 103:  4'.  Threshold group begins to resolve at 150x. 6 very faint *s.
oc Be 104:  3'.  Brightest * mag. 16.  South of star V639.  6 stars resolved at 250x, hampered by the variable.

oc Cr 034:  25'.  Even larger than nearby IC 1848, this one is viewed best at 60x.  A bright pair lies in the center, and intersecting lines of faint *s pass through, giving this cluster its identity.  The bright central * has 7 faint companions at 100x.  Moderately rich but widely scattered. 
oc Cr 463:  A huge group, best at 43x.  Widely scattered but rich in bright stars.  Orange and blue double following.  Extension of main cluster preceding.
oc Cz 01:  3'. 8 tiny, dim stars at end of brighter line of slightly curving stars.
oc Cz 02:  10'. Mostly resolved at 100x.  25 stars at 150x.  Large and dim at 60x.
oc Cz 03:  1'.5.  Visual mag. 9.9:  A faint haze surrounding a mag. 10 * noted at 100x.  200x shows 3 or 4 *s, very very faint.
oc Cz 04:  4'.  10 faint *s counted at 200x, around a much brighter one.  Same high power field with Tr 1.
oc Cz 05:  2'.  Not even spotted until 200x was applied!  Extremely faint, small cloud of *s noted, with a few resolving.  Good luck even finding this one!
oc Cz 06:  2'.  Located at 60x, a bright * was seen with haze.  At 250x 9 *s could be counted, most very faint.
oc Cz 07:  4':Between 2 close bright *s.  8-10 *s resolved, mag. 14-16.
oc Cz 09:  10'.  Noticed at 100x, I saw 2 bright *s involved with a large cloud of very faint *s.  about 12 *s.
oc Cz 10:  4'.  Small group of very faint *s, with 8 counted at 200x.  A brighter, richer asterism is almost adjacent.
oc Cz 13:  4'.  Brightest * mag. 12.8.  Spotted at 100x as a very faint cluster of tiny *s.  The group is still resolving at 200x and 250x.
oc Cz 43:  6':  Double cluster with M 52, but fine on its own.  Low x shows both.

oc Do 13: Large and widely scattered group.  About 40 stars at 100x, many of them bright.  Attractive group.  Immediately south preceding at mag. 5 *.
oc Do 46:  12'.  Brighter white star surrounded by a large cloud of very faint *s.

oc Fr 01:  Brightest * 10.6.  5 bright stars and a dozen faint ones.  North preceding NGC 7788.

oc Ha 21:  3'. Mag. 9.  Seen well at 125x. 5 bright stars with some very faint ones.  Situated between 3 brighter *s.  Seen well at 125x.

oc King 01:  9'.  Brightest * 13.  Very faint at 60x.  150x shows 16 stars in 2 groups.  A bright group is adjacent.
oc King 02:  4'. Brightest * mag. 17.  3 stars at 200x. Very small, very faint haze near bright, compact group.
oc King 04:  5'.  Brightest * mag. 13.  A decent cluster with nearly 20 *s resolved at 100x-200x.
oc King 12:  3'. Brightest * mag. 10.  A true cluster. 200x shows 15 stars around a close double.
oc King 13:  5'. Brightest * mag. 12.  Very small, very faint.  About 12 stars near a brighter one.
oc King 14:  The best of three close clusters, all appearing in a 100x field.  Largest of the three and most interesting to view.  150x shows 30+ stars.  oc 133 is hard to identify.  Look for 4 bright stars in an uneven N/S line.  The 2nd star from the N is a close double.  13 stars seen at 250x.  oc 146 is just preceding.  An 11.6 mag. star lies at the center of a faint, hazy cloud at 60x.  25 stars resolve at 150x.
oc King 15:  3'. Brightest * mag. 18 (?).  I saw a moderately rich group at 125x, surrounding a gold star.
oc King 16:  Spotted at 60x.  I have named it the "Martini Glass Cluster."  Resolves nicely at 150x.  At 250x 15 *s are noted, including the 5 brightest outlining the glass shape.
oc King 20:  4'.  4 11 mag. *s amidst small cloud of mag. 13 and 14 *s.
oc King 21:  An impressive number of stars can be seen at 125x and 150x.  The cluster is near a bright triple.
oc Mayer 01:  8'. Curving line of stars, S-shape, about 25.  Curious group, with a bright * on the edge, and a bright triplet just off the edge.

oc Mrk 06:  6'.  Vis. mag. 7.1.  Observed at 60x and 120x.  A group of about 12 *s, most of them pretty bright.  Not small.  Quite suitable for smaller scopes. 

oc Skiff j00584+6878:  7'.  Brightest * mag. 10.2.  125x begins to show a dozen stars, widely scattered.  Located out of the way.
oc SkiffJ23302+ 6015:  Small, very faint cloud.  6 or 7 faint stars.
oc St 02:  60'.  Brightest * 8.2.  On the border with Perseus, this group is an utter wonder at 43x!  The eyepiece is filled with bright stars in a dense field.  Great in the 6" scope, too.
oc St 03:  5'. Brightest * 11:  9 *s seen in a central area. 
oc St 05:  Another large, scattered cluster good at low to medium power.  Contains a star circle, and V781, an orange star.  Fine for all apertures. 4 bright *s frame this moderately rich group.

oc St 11:  10'.  10 white stars.  Triple star within.
oc St 12:  30'. Very large.  15 bright stars plotted on Uranometria.  I saw 40 bright ones at 43x.
oc St 18:  5'.  Line of 5 bright stars.  2nd from west surrounded by faint stars.
oc St 19:  3':  Viewed up to 250x, 6 *s were seen.
oc St 21:  4'.7. Brightest * mag. 12.  A 'V' shaped * group was noted, open end to the northwest.  The line in the south (running east-west) had a compact group of very faint *s around it, the actual cluster.  However, the whole group was attractive in the 12".  Resolved at 150x.
oc St 24:  5'. Brightest * mag. 13. 200x shows 9 faint stars.  Very close double involved, equal mag.

oc Tom 04:  5'.3.  Brightest * mag. 16.  The cluster is not small, and beginning to barely resolve at 100x.  Good at 125x with decent resolution at150x.  Not many *s, and all very faint. 

oc Tr 01:  3'. Brightest * 10.  North preceding M 103.  2 lines of converging *s, one line bright and the other dim.  Like a "V" without the apex.  Bright line contains 2 doubles, both at the bottom.  Faint line has a double at the top.  12 *s at 200x.  Same high power field with Cz 4. 
0c Tr 03:  15'.  Vis. mag. 7.  First seen at 43x, this a large, bright and attractive group, well worth the detour.  Lovely at 60x and 83x, too.  60 *s at 100x.  Recommended.

A few outstanding double stars are included.  These are not to be missed.

WZ:  7.5-8/58":  Orange and blue.  A breathtaking sight at 60x!
N (Eta): 3.5-7.5/11":  Yellow and deep orange at 60x.  Wow!
i (iota):  4-7/8":  A triple!
                -8/7".3:  Lovely triple * at 100x, not to missed.  Yellow, gold and blue.  Stunning object, even in the 6". 

Mapman Mike 

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